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Terminal Stuff


TMUX Cheat Sheet

I setup TMUX to work with nvim using vim-tmux-navigator, so my defaults for moving left, right, up, and down are vim defaults.

  • Start tmux using tmux
  • Think of windows as “screens” and panes as tabs
  • Start tmux with name using tmux new -s name
  • List tmux sessions: tmux ls
  • Attach to a session: tmux a #
  • Attach to a named session: tmux a -t name
  • Kill a session: tmux kill-session -t name
  • Kill tmux server: tmux kill-server
  • Use Ctrl+hjkl to switch between panes
  • Press Ctrl-a to prefix tmux keyboard shortcuts (remapped)
  • % to split screen horizontally
  • " to split screen vertically
  • d to detach (leaving it running in background)
  • x to kill current pane
  • ? to list all keybindings
  • { move current pane left
  • } move current pane right
  • o go to next pane
  • z toggle full-screen mode for current pane

References: TMUX Guide


  • Use i to do an action within a motion
    • e.g. ciw to change the word
  • Use c to change within motion
  • Use p to denote paragraph
  • Use :set to access or modify values
    • Append option with ? to see the current value
  • Buffers: an open file in memory
    • Three states:
      • Active: buffer is displayed in a window
      • Hidden: buffer exists, but is not displayed
      • Inactive: buffer is not displayed and does not link to a file
    • :buffers or :ls to list all the current buffers
      • Displays buffer ID, state, name, and cursor line
      • Hidden buffers won’t be displayed, either set hidden or append ! to command
    • Most buffer commands start with :b
      • :bn to move to next buffer
      • :bp to move to previous buffer
      • :bf to move to first buffer
      • :bl to move to last buffer
      • Ctrl-^ to switch to alternate buffer
      • Run command on all buffers: :bufdo <command>
      • Use :b <name> to switch to buffer with name using partial name matching
    • Create and delete buffers:
      • :badd <filename> adds <filename> to the buffer list
      • :bdelete <ID_or_name> deletes all buffers in <ID_or_name>
      • :%bdelete deletes all buffers
  • Windows: where vim can display the content of a buffer
    • To create a new window use :new
      • CTRL-W s to split the current window horizontally
      • CTRL-W v to split the current window vertically
      • CTRL-W n to split the current window horizontally and edit a new file
      • CTRL-W ^ to split the current window with the alternate file (buffer with # indicator)
      • <buffer_ID>CTRL-W ^ split current window with <buffer_ID>
    • To switch between windows:
      • CTRL-W CTRL-W to switch to last (alternate?) window
      • CTRL-<hjkl> to move left, down, up, or right (remap)
    • To rotate windows:
      • CTRL-W r rotate the windows
      • CTRL-W x exchange with next window
    • To resize windows:
      • CTRL-W = resize windows to fit on screen with the same size
      • CTRL-W + increase window height
      • CTRL-W - decrease window height
      • CTRL-W < decrease window width
      • CTRL-W > increase window width
    • Exit windows with :q or :q! (these commands don’t quit vim, but quit a window!)
  • To edit a new file use :e

Lua + Neovim

  • Lua basics: honestly pretty similar to JS/Python
  • comments are --, multi-line is two brackets [[comment here]]
  • use if condition then for if statements
    • finish if statements with end
  • blocks use do/end
  • not equals is: ~=
  • finish functions with end after return
  • most everything else is either unimportant for what I care about right now, or something I’ll google

  • Neovim lua config:
  • To edit global settings, use the global variable/module vim
    • i.e. vim.opt.option_name = value
  • lua/plugins.lua contains the config file for loading plugins