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Scaling laws and compressing model size

  • Notation:
    • $N$: number of model parameters
    • $D$: number of training tokens
    • $C$: amount of compute
    • $L(N, D)$: loss as a function of parameters and tokens
  • While there are “compute optimal” models, it is typically best to use extra relative compute and train smaller models
    • Allows for better post-training usage
    • Many practitioners already train on extra tokens
  • Past a certain “critical model size”, extra compute leads to diminishing returns on loss
    • We can use scaling laws to find critical model size
    • ~30% of Chinchilla optimal
  • LLaMa-7B was trained on 1T tokens and has not reached critical model size
  • Chinchilla scaling laws: $L(N, D) = E + \frac{A}{E^{\alpha}} + \frac{B}{D^{\beta}}$
    • $E = 1.69$, $A = 406.4$, $B = 410.7$, $\alpha = 0.32$, $\beta = 0.28$
  • Typical compute budget is: $C = 6ND$
  • Compute optimal number of parameters and tokens:
    • $N_{opt}(C) = G(\frac{C}{6})^{\frac{\beta}{\alpha + \beta}}$
    • $D_{opt}(C) = G^{-1}(\frac{C}{6})^{\frac{\beta}{\alpha + \beta}}$
    • $G = (\frac{\alpha A}{\beta B})^{\frac{1}{\alpha + \beta}}$
  • If we want to scale $N$ down by $k_N$ and scale $D$ up by $k_D$ while retaining the same loss as Chinchilla optimal:
    • The new compute cost: $C_{new} = 6(k_N N_{opt})(K_D D_{opt})$
    • Percent compute overhead: $C_{overhead} = \frac{C_{new} - C}{C} \cdot 100$
    • Data scaling factor is independent of (original) compute budget C
  • We can reduce model size to 75% with only a ~3% compute overhead
    • Half model size, overhead ~20%, quarter model size, overhead 188%
  • If inference is never run, Chinchilla is optimal, else varying degrees of taking smaller models
  • Critical model size: how many parameters necessary to practically train a model to a certain loss
    • About 30% Chinchilla optimal with 100% overhead
    • Reasonable to select a model size 40-60% smaller than optimal with 10-42% compute overhead
  • LLaMa: $k_N = 0.57$ with 12% compute overhead
    • 6.9B parameters, 1T tokens, 4.14e22 FLOP
  • SantaCoder: $k_N = .46$ with 24% compute overhead
    • 1.1B parameters, 236B tokens, 1.56e21 FLOP
  • Limitations:
    • Chinchilla laws might not be accurate for extrapolation
    • Smaller models might achieve the same perplexity, but less emergent ability
    • Training smaller models for longer might have parallelization issues

Transformer Math 101

Basic equations about transformer language models, especially with regards to training

  • Compute Requirements:
    • $C \approx \tau T = 6PD$
    • $C$ is compute required to train the model in total FLOP
    • $C = C_{forward} + C_{backward}$
    • $C_{forward} \approx 2PD$
    • $C_{backward} \approx 4PD$
    • $\tau$ is the aggregate throughput of hardware setup, $\tau = (\text{No. GPUs} \times (\text{Actual FLOPs/GPU}$ (in FLOPs)
    • $T$ is the time spent training the model in seconds
    • $P$ is the number of parameters in the transformer model
    • $D$ is the dataset size in tokens
  • Common units of $C$:
    • FLOP-seconds
    • GPU-hours (number of GPUs multiplied by the number of hours)
    • PetaFLOP-days $10^{15} \times 24 \times 3600$ total floating point operations (scaling papers)
  • Parameter vs Dataset tradeoffs:
    • Compute optimal language models reccommend a dataset about $\frac{1}{20}$ the size of the number of parameters
    • In practice, do not train a model with less than 200B tokens from scratch
      • Find what inference cost is accessible, what compute available, then train the largest model possible
  • Compute costs:
    • GPT-NeoX gets 150 TFLOPs/A100 with normal attention, 180 TFLOPs/s/A100 with flash attention (similar to other frameworks)
    • Assume minimum 120 TFLOP/s/A100, if lower than 115 there’s probably something wrong
    • Possible to achieve linear or sublinear scaling across parallel dimensions with good interconnect
  • Memory:
    • int8: 1 byte per param, fp16 and bf16: 2 bytes per param, fp32: 4 bytes per param
    • Small overhead for model memory usage, typically $\leq 20\%$ and irrelevant
    • Inference also has an often negligible overhead
    • Heuristic for inference memory requirement is: $\text{Total Memory}_{\text{Inference}} \approx 1.2 \times \text{Model Memory}$
  • Training memory:
    • Mixed-precision training requires storing an additional two bytes per param ($\text{memory}_{\text{model}}$)
    • AdamW, 12 bytes per param:
      • fp32, momentum, variance each 4 bytes per param
    • 8-bit optimizers, 6 bytes per param:
      • fp32: 4 bytes, momentum 1 byte, variance: 1 byte
    • SGD-like optimizer with momentum, 8 bytes per param:
      • fp32, momentum with 4 bytes per param
    • $\text{memory}_{\text{gradients}}$ typically is the model dtype, so 2 or 4 bytes per param
    • Read the article for more on activation recomputation/checkpointing
      • $C \approx 8ND$ possibly with checkpointing
    • $\text{Total Memory}_{Training} = \text{Model Memory} + \text{Optimizer Memory} + \text{Activation Memory} + \text{Gradient Memory}$
    • Read the article for more on sharded optimizers and 3D paralleism

PEP 484

Type annotations for Python

  • Use the decorator @no_type_check to avoid type checking
  • Do not annotate self or cls, but do annotate return for __init__
  • Type hints can be:
    • Built in classes
    • Abstract base classes
    • Types from the types module
    • User defined classes
    • None, Any, Tuple, Callable, ABCs and stand-ins from typing
  • Capitalize type alias names
  • Callback type-alias: Callable[[Arg1Type, Arg2Type], ReturnType]
    • Use ellipsis (...) to substitute a type hint
  • Abstract base classes are used to signify object types in containers
    • For example: Mapping[str, int]
  • Generics can be parameterized using typing.TypeVar, i.e. T = TypeVar('T')
  • Create generic classes by inheriting Generic[T]
  • int subclasses float
  • Using Union[Type1, Type2] superclasses Type1 and Type2 such that either can be used
    • None is invalid by default, use Union[Type1, None] to make optional
    • Optional[Type1] works the same way
  • Any represents any type with all possible values and methods